“Travel blogger who gives his opinions and reviews stuff thinks you should be careful about trusting travel bloggers who give their opinions and review stuff,” – that’s what I should have titled this post.
Seriously, I can’t make this stuff up.
My First Travel Blogger Feud! (Sort Of)
For reasons unbeknownst to me, fellow travel blogger, Your Mileage May Vary, chose to single out one of my posts in his post, “When It Comes To Trip Advice, Who Do You Trust?“.

Image: yourmileagemayvary.net
The Flying High On Points Post In Question?
This one: Locals Only! 4 Great “Off The Strip” Restaurants That Only Locals Know About
“The Beef”
Of the vast universe of blogger and creative content on the internet, he felt the need to single out my post – about my own personal-favorite “off the strip” restaurants no less – to make a [somewhat convoluted] point about “trust” and why “it’s important to remember who you’re asking for advice”.
From what I gather, he took enough issue with the post to take the time to “fact-check” my random list of personal-favorites by asking his [unnamed] chef friend what he thought about the list (His chef friend’s answer? “Not bad…there is better”).
He then goes on to mention, “I’d trust the opinion of someone I know over a random person on the internet,” before stating, “…and I include myself in that random person on the internet category”.
Umm, what? Am I to understand he’s essentially warning readers not to trust travel bloggers like Your Mileage May Vary and Flying High On Points?
But wait, there’s more.
In a strange twist of [hypocritical] irony, he then refers readers to his post on “local restaurants in the Central Florida area“.
Like I said, I can’t make this stuff up.
My Response To Your Mileage May Vary
Let me first state, I never once claimed my post was, “a comprehensive list of the absolute best restaurants of Las Vegas,” or anything remotely like that. It was simply meant to be a fun post on some good spots that are worth venturing “off the strip” for.
I also have no problem with “second opinions” or “lively debates” about favorite restaurants. I do take issue with “trust” when it’s insinuated that Flying High On Points shouldn’t be trusted over (of all things) a random list of personal-favorite restaurants.
I didn’t get paid a penny to mention any of those particular restaurants. Rather, they are simply places that I personally like to eat at when I go to Vegas that I felt my readers would appreciate knowing about.
I am no corporate shill, nor am I a professional chef, paid by other professional chefs, to write positive posts about those professional chef’s restaurants. Hell, I’m not even a chef.
I’m just a guy who likes to travel [and drink] and share my travel experiences by writing about points, miles, and travel.
It’s surreal that I even have to explain this – especially to a successful fellow travel blogger (whom I read) – but many travelers read travel blogs to find information on destinations and experiences so that they can make the best-informed decisions for themselves.
That’s the reason why sites like Your Mileage May Vary and Flying High On Points (and all travel blogs) exist in the first place – to pass information on to readers.
I “trust” our readers are smart and savvy enough to decide for themselves if the information we provide as travel bloggers is useful, interesting, or even just plain entertaining (or not).
The Reason I Wrote That Vegas Post
I travel to Las Vegas quite often (and have posted many times about it). Because of that, I’m often asked, “what are your favorite restaurants in Las Vegas?”.
So, I figured I’d write a post about my personal-favorite “off the strip” spots that I’m guessing many of my readers haven’t heard of yet.
And what better way to do that than to highlight some smaller, “mom-and-pop shops”, and other lesser-known, local establishments (especially during this global economy-destroying pandemic)?
Wait…So…Is This Really Even A Feud?
Honestly, who knows?
But it’s bizarre (to say the least) to be singled out by another travel blogger for…travel blogging and “trust”.
My Goal At Flying High On Points
Whatever the case, at Flying High On Points I will always strive to “tell it like it is”.
If I like something, I’ll say it. If I hate something, I’ll say it. If I monetize something, I’ll disclose it.
As with all my recommendations, people are of course free to “take it or leave it”, “trust but verify,” (etc.). I’m not offended.
My goal is just to provide my readers with the best information and insight about points, miles, and travel that I can.
Now that’s something they can “trust”.