After much thought, I finally went ahead and upgraded my Chase Marriott Rewards Plus credit card to the Chase Ritz-Carlton credit card.
Unboxing The Chase Ritz-Carlton Credit Card
Here’s what I received in the mail and the unboxing of the card.
The Packaging:
The package arrived in a small cardboard-box mailer. Opening it revealed a sleek, soft, black plastic envelope.
The Contents:
Inside the outer black envelope were two smaller envelopes: one made out of black cardboard, the other white paper.
The Black Envelope:
The black envelope housed the actual Ritz-Carlton credit card (and nothing else), displayed through a window in the packaging.
Strangely, removing the credit card required I pry open the glued cardboard.

Prying open the packaging
The Ritz-Carlton Credit Card:

Behold: The Ritz-Carlton Credit Card
The White Envelope:
The white envelope contained the Thank You Letter (complete with the personal card info), as well as the J.P. Morgan Guide To Benefits.

You’ll want to hang on to the Guide To Benefits for this card
The Bottom-Line: Unboxing The Chase Ritz-Carlton Credit Card
Well, there you have it.
A bit anti-climactic, sure, but i didn’t get the Ritz-Carlton card for a “premium unboxing experience”, I got it for the awesome benefits it has. More on that soon.