Review: Prost Beer (Indonesia)

by Flying High On Points

Bintang Beer may be the reigning king of beers in Indonesia, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any other home-grown contenders for the crown.

Case in point, Indonesia’s newest beer, Prost Beer.

Review: Prost Beer (Indonesia)

Editor’s Note: This post is part of my ongoing Asia Travel Series, click here for more posts on all things Indonesia, and click here for all things Singapore

Description Of Prost Beer

Prost is a typical golden lager of the variety typically found in the tropics, and has a 4.8% alcohol content.

Prost has a light to medium dry hops flavor (although I wouldn’t quite call it “hoppy”), pours with thin head and has a crisp, clean finish.


I found it had metallic notes (of which I wasn’t a fan), but never crossed the line to “skunky”.

About Prost Beer

Although Prost Beer wasn’t a common find in Indonesia, I did run across it in Yogykarta.

By that time, I was already familiar with Bintang so I had a good “base-line” as to what makes a popular Indonesian beer.


I’ve heard Prost Beer compared to Carlsberg Beer, and I think that’s a fair and accurate description.

The Bottom-Line Review: Prost Beer (Indonesia)

I’m always glad to see robust competition in local beer markets, because “when breweries compete, you win”.


With that said, I don’t think Bintang has anything to worry about yet from Prost Beer.

Final Rating: Neutral. Although Prost is certainly drinkable (and better than nothing), it’s a below average lager that wouldn’t be my first choice in Indonesian beer.



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